Van der Valk Giftcard
Check your balance here Easily check your remaining balance here

Check balance Van der Valk Giftcard

Curious about the balance on your Van der Valk Giftcard? Check it quickly and easily using the form below. Enter the card number and pincode you can find on the back of your Valk Giftcard. With the E-Giftcard, you can find the card number in the mail. Click on check balance and you will immediately see the current balance of your Giftcard. So you always know how much credit you have left and you can enjoy your stay, dinner or breakfast at Van der Valk carefree.

19 digits, back of card
6 digits, beneath the scratch-off layer on the card or in the E-giftcard email.

Want to surprise someone else? Order the Valk Gift Card easily and quickly online

Quick & easy

Surprise someone else with a hotel stay, snack & drink or fun activity at one of the Van der Valk hotels at home and abroad with the Valk Giftcard.


Order your Valk Giftcard

Did you know you can easily purchase the Valk Giftcard from our website? Order physical or online Giftcards easily.


Activate Giftcard

Did you order the Van der Valk Giftcard online? Then you can activate it yourself with the activation code you received by email. You do not need to activate the E-Gift card.